
We're So Glad You're Here!

Stepping into a church for the first time can be uncomfortable! You aren’t sure where to go, what’s expected of you, what to do with your family, or where the restroom is! If you are just starting to explore Christianity, it can be even more than uncomfortable – it can be scary!

Our goal is to provide helpful information that can calm some of those anxieties you might be feeling and help you plan your visit. We want every person to feel welcomed – no matter their age, stage of life, clothing style, or level of church experience. We hope that you are encouraged and excited to keep coming back week after week.

Where is Lifepoint Church Located?

The first thing to know when planning your visit is our location. We are located right next to Space Coast Harley-Davidson and Bass Pro Shops at Palm Bay Rd. and I-95. You will enter our building through the main entrance under the overhang.

1420 Sportsman Lane NE
Palm Bay, FL 32905

What Time Does Lifepoint Church Meet?
Our Sunday Morning services begin at 9:00 & 11:00 and usually lasts between 1 to 1.5 hours. We recommend arriving 20 minutes before service on your first Sunday to make the morning less stressful – especially if you have children to check-in. This will give you time to park, find the restrooms, meet some new people, and choose your seats before the service starts.

What is a Church Service Like? 

When you walk into our building, you will be greeted by smiling faces who are excited to see you. The Lifepoint KIDS! Check-ins Desk and our restrooms are to the left; the Welcome Center is connected to the Lobby on your right; and the Sanctuary is straight ahead through the set of double doors. Once you enter the Sanctuary, Ushers are available to help find seats for you and your family – just let them know how many you will need.

Our services usually begin with a time of music, singing songs, and reading Scripture led by the Worship Team. The lyrics and Scriptures are projected onto a screen so you can engage by singing and reading along. Everything is an invitation. You can choose to engage in whatever way you feel most comfortable. Worship continues with hearing the Word preached - one of our pastors will share a message that is biblically-based, encouraging, authentic and applicable to your life. Each service concludes with time to reflect and respond to the truth presented, often with prayer and song.

Our whole service is planned with the goal of turning our attention to Jesus and encountering the presence of God together on Sunday, along with singing songs and communicating truth in a way that sticks with you throughout your week.

What About My Kids?*

We love our kids here at Lifepoint! And we love to have fun, too! But our Family Ministries are about a whole lot more than just having fun. We believe, like the old proverb says, that it takes a village to raise a child; and we want to be part of your village. Lifepoint junior and Lifepoint KiDS are safe places for your child to learn about the Bible, ask any question, and be themselves. We provide a comfortable environment where your child can build meaningful relationships with other kids, adults, and – most importantly – with God!

When you arrive with your family, one of the first steps you will take is to check-in any kiddos who plan to participate in our classes for children birth through 5th grade. (If your children prefer to stay with you, families are always welcome in the Sanctuary during our worship in song portion; during our sermon, we ask families move to our Freedom Hall.) One of our volunteers will be happy to help you check-in your family. We recommend arriving at least 20 minutes early for your first visit to allow time to unload the car, find your way around, and complete check-in with the least amount of pressure. Submitting a Pre-Registration Form (available HERE) is another way to ease your check-in process.

The Check-Ins Desk opens 15 minutes before the service.

Once you check-in, you will be provided a guardian tag with a unique code for your family, and each child will have a personalized name tag with their classroom information. All of our classrooms are staffed with specially trained volunteers, who have completed background checks and are passionate about engaging your children!

Lifepoint junior (birth - kindergarten)

Children from birth through kindergarten have classes provided throughout the entire service based on developmental stages: Babies, Toddlers, Walkers & Talkers, and VPK-K. In the course of the morning, the Walker & Talkers and the VPK-K classes join together for a short, special time of singing, memorizing scripture, and learning from the Bible, before they divide to continue learning through play, crafts, and classroom interaction.

Lifepoint KiDS (1st - 5th Grade)
Elementary-aged children will worship with their families in the Sanctuary, then they will be dismissed to Lifepoint KIDS! before the sermon for a special time of learning specifically prepared for them! This includes large group teaching and small group discussion. Each month has a specific theme, which parents are encouraged to incorporate into conversations with their children at home.

Lifepoint Students (6th Grade - 12th Grade)

Our students do not have specific classes on Sunday mornings because we encourage their process of taking ownership of their faith and becoming part of the larger congregation. Many of our students also engage their faith by serving on Sunday mornings (e.g., Children's Ministry Team, Production Team, Worship Team, Welcome Team, etc.).

For more information about our Family Ministries, click below:

  • Birth - K

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  • 1st - 5th Grade

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  • 6th - 12th Grade

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We understand that finding the right church for you and your family is hard! We wanted to find a way to help you in the process of discerning whether or not God is leading you to connect at Lifepoint Church; that's the reason we started New to Lifepoint.

New to Lifepoint meets in the Freedom Wing (F5103) various times throughout the year. We will meet for roughly 15 minutes to introduce our church leadership, what we are about, and what we value. (click here for schedule)

Whether you have never visited before or have been coming for a while - If you still aren't sure Lifepoint is where God is leading you to connect, we hope to see you there!