Because we have witnessed the devastation of faith that is shallow and brittle,

we commit ourselves to becoming trees of life that are rooted and fruitful!

Lifepoint Students is organized around the goal of supporting students in 6th-12th grade as they develop an authentic, resilient, and personal faith in Jesus Christ - to be a tree of life that is rooted and fruitful. There are so many stories of faith being devastated when students leave for college or deconstructed when God doesn't meet their expectations. This could be a reason to shelter further from culture, but we see it as a challenge to thoughtfully engage instead.

  • ROOTED - Part of what it means to be rooted is to be willing to ask tough questions, face uncomfortable truths, and interact with other perspectives. Faith that cannot be questioned cannot be trusted. One of the reasons we know we have an unshakable faith is because it has withstood shaking - allowing what needs to to fall away.
  • FRUITFUL - We believe Jesus when he connected fruitfulness to connecting with him. Faith that is not founded on a personal connection with Jesus is not alive. Genuine faith bears genuine fruit. What we have freely received, we are to freely give - but it must start with receiving! 

Within you is a great oak, just be the tree God made you to be!

We believe that God has a specific purpose for each person. This is a unique calling that we long to partner with the student and their parents to discover. Although the calling is unique, there is a unified goal - to Rebuild, Restore, and Renew all creation, or as Jesus prayed and modeled for us, to bring His Kingdom wherever we go on earth as it is in heaven!


Because we have witnessed the devastation of faith that is shallow and brittle, 

We commit ourselves to becoming trees of life that are rooted and fruitful

by delighting in God's presence, meditating on his truth, assembling with his people - 

receiving healing, freedom, and comfort from Him,

while engaging with Him to Rebuild, Restore, and Renew all creation

We recite our creed together each time with gather to keep ourselves oriented to the calling we have received. We recognize that we are not growing up in a neutral environment; we have an enemy that longs to devastate and deconstruct our faith. Not engaging in our own faith development is to default to the enemy's goals. We want something different!

SUNDAY Mornings

We do not have a specific class on Sunday mornings for students because we want our students to begin the process of integrating into the larger congregation, taking ownership of their faith, and building meaningful relationships with adults outside of their families and Lifepoint Student Leaders. 

Many of our students engage their faith by serving on Sunday mornings (e.g., Children' Ministry Team, Production Team, Worship Team, Welcome Team, etc.).

If you are interested in serving, CLICK HERE.

SUNDAY Evenings

One of the ways we pursue becoming trees of life is by assembling together weekly on Sunday evenings. When we gather, we spend time playing games, singing worship, memorizing Scripture, listening to teaching from God's Word, and applying truth personally to our lives in small groups. This regular rhythm helps to keep us grounded in the midst of confusion, distraction, and struggle. Don't underestimate the power of habit in your spiritual formation! 

Join us on Sundays 5:00p - 7:00p.

- Family Room is available 30 minutes before and after our Sunday Gathering to encourage building connection!

Middle & High School students have separate teaching and small groups.


Relationship requires both time and intentionality. We work to incorporate both into our events beyond our regular Sunday Gatherings. You can use the links below to check out upcoming events or to subscribe to Lifepoint Students' email list.



To understand our vision of what it means to be trees of life, check out the video below. You can also read about the tree of life in Genesis 2 and Revelation 22; we also see connections to the tree of life in Psalm 1, Isaiah 61, and Ezekiel 47. All these ideas have come together to shape who we believe God is calling us to be as Lifepoint Students!


Family Ministries

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At Lifepoint Church, we desire each person to grow in their relationship with God and others. We believe that fully-devoted followers of Jesus will do so by continually growing in five areas called Next Steps: Celebrate Big, Connect Small, Walk with Jesus, Serve with Us, and Engage the Mission. Our Adult, Family, and Freedom & Care Ministries are organized to facilitate growth in these areas. 

If you are not able to find the information you are looking for, please email to let us know!

    • LIFEPOINT junior - Children from birth through kindergarten have classes provided throughout the entire Sunday morning worship service. These classes are based on developmental stages: Babies, Toddlers, Walkers and Talkers, and VPK-K. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT KIDS - Elementary-aged children (1st - 5th Grade) will worship with their families in the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, then they will be dismissed to Lifepoint KIDS! before the sermon for a special time of learning specifically prepared for them! This includes large group teaching and small group discussion. Each month has a specific theme, which parents are encouraged to incorporate into conversations with their children at home. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT STUDENTS - Middle & High School students meet weekly on Sunday evenings. We recognize that students are not growing-up in a neutral environment, so we have developed a ministry focused on developing students who are rooted and fruitful, who have a resilient faith, and who partner with God in His mission to rebuild, restore, and renew. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LIFEPOINT YOUNG ADULTS - We long to see Young Adults, ages 18-25, taking next steps in their walk with Jesus and actively engaging in the life of Lifepoint Church. Despite not having a weekly, age-specific gathering, we do gather as Young Adults a few times a year to provide unique opportunities to build connection and belonging with others in a similar stage of life. For more information, CLICK HERE.
    • GROUPS MINISTRY - Our Groups Ministry transforms lives through an emphasis on building relationships beyond Sunday morning worship. Groups offer the perfect opportunity to support, serve, and sharpen one another in smaller gatherings! For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • MEN'S MINISTRY - At Lifepoint, we want to be the men God has called us to be. As iron sharpens iron, we want to strengthen one another in the Lord. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • LADIES' MINISTRY - Women of all ages need to be encouraged and know they are seen by Jesus, and others. We seek to gather women together to help them encounter Jesus and experience meaningful relationships with each other. For more information, CLICK HERE.

    • MARRIAGE MINISTRY - The Lifepoint Church's Marriage Ministry seeks to strengthen marriages through small groups, quarterly events with a marriage focus, mentoring, and prayer for the couples God puts in our paths. For more information, CLICK HERE.
  • The Freedom and Care Ministry is here to provide ministry and assistance to individuals and families who call Lifepoint Church home. Lifepoint desires to come walk beside you if you are struggling with sickness or disease, in the midst of the passing of a loved one, or needing individual, pre-marriage, marriage, or family counsel from a Christ-centered perspective. For more information, CLICK HERE.