Meditations on Christmas

The Christmas season can be such a busy time- so many activities, places to go, things to you need a moment to just be still? Meditations on Christmas is a collection of Christmas songs to lift your gaze to the Gift of Christmas and the One Who is our Peace... it also makes a great gift!

Featuring: Lori Robinson, Mandy England, and Fernando Vargas

Cost: $10

All Proceeds go to supporting David and Mandy England as they answer the call of God to serve the people in Isaan.

Click here to order a CD today!

Wonders of His Love

Christmas can be a lonely, sad time...

God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, and gave Him as a gift for you!

Experience Him through the music of Wonders of His Love.

Featuring: Allison Wilson and Jennifer Mason

Cost: $10

All proceeds go to completing Lifepoint's Freedom Hall.

Click here to order a CD today!