Once Freedom Session participants complete Session 7 of their 20-week Foundations journey, they develop a support team. Finding a Sponsor is an important part of this team so thank you for considering their request.

Being a Freedom Session Sponsor is one of the most profound and intimate ministry opportunities you can ever experience. If you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are authentic and compassionate you are likely qualified to become a Sponsor.

A Sponsor Is...

  • A type of mentor or coach, committed to helping a Freedom Session participant walk through FS Steps 5-9 of their 12-step healing journey.
  • A Christian. Freedom Session relies on the power of Jesus Christ and the healing work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Authentic, caring, and trustworthy, understanding the importance of confidentiality. You will be entrusted with the intimate details of another person’s life.
  • Personally walking in a reasonable measure of freedom and healing. It helps if you have personally taken Freedom Session but is not essential.
  • Available for roughly six hours of 2-4 meetings, as well as additional support offered occasionally throughout their Sponsee's FS journey.

A Sponsor is Not...

  • A therapist
  • A counsellor
  • A best friend
  • A life-long mentor


Someone has likely asked you to be their Sponsor and is willing to trust you with the intimate details of their life. 

Please seriously consider this request.  Download the Sponsor Booklet and watch the Sponsor Orientation video, then submit your Sponsor Application below.


If you're ready to become a Sponsor, download the Sponsor Booklet and watch the Sponsor Orientation, then submit your Sponsor Application.

Sponsor Booklet

Sponsor Orientation


Thank you for considering partnering with us to bring freedom and healing to those for whom Jesus died. If you need more information on the role of Sponsor, email Lifepoint's Freedom Session Director at


1.  The key role of a FS Sponsor is to listen with a spirit of love, acceptance, and support as a FS Participant (Sponsee) “confesses” their story (see FS Step 5 on the front) via inventories. This will help break the power of shame and free the Sponsee from a number of lies they have believed about themselves. Suggested meeting schedule listed below for first time Sponsors:

  • Meeting #1 – In this meeting, you and your Sponsee will share a story of salvation or deliverance (about 5 minutes each) in order to become more comfortable with one another. Your Sponsee will also share why they are keeping their commitment (p. 18), what they told God on the will & pain night (p. 67), and their Strengths Inventory with you. (They are instructed to read off their inventory directly from the page, left to right – no skipping or generalizing. Same for all other inventories as well.) At the conclusion of your meeting, you will initial each inventory page they’ve confessed in the box on the bottom, righthand corner.
  •  Meeting #2 – Your Sponsee will read off their Mirror Inventory in which they have chronicled all the ways others have hurt them and how it has affected their lives. It is important to listen carefully to them, realizing they may be telling you things they have not told another human being. Let them know you are proud of them, affirm them, and pray for them. Even though these are things done to them, many who have lived in shame will be expecting you to think less of them. You have the opportunity to dispel that deception with love. At the conclusion of your meeting, you will initial each inventory page they’ve confessed in the box on the bottom, righthand corner.
  • Meeting #3 – Your Sponsee will read off their Shield Inventory in which they list all the ways they’ve hurt others. They are taking responsibility for their sins and may be admitting some very shameful deeds. Again, your role is to listen carefully without shock, disbelief, or disgust – offering a loving, non-anxious presence through your countenance, posture, etc. This “confession” and your support will help break the lie that they need to portray themselves as someone they are not. At the conclusion of your meeting, you will initial each inventory page they’ve confessed in the box on the bottom, righthand corner.
  •  Meeting #4 – Your Sponsee will read off their Closet Inventory which includes the memories/deeds they were too ashamed to write down at first. These guilt/shame associated memories are often ones they intended to take to their graves. At the conclusion of your meeting, you will initial each inventory page they’ve confessed in the box on the bottom, righthand corner.
  • “Confessing” the above inventories completes FS Step 5 for your Sponsee. At the conclusion of your meeting, you will initial each inventory page they’ve confessed in the box on the bottom, righthand corner.

2. After hearing their story, you will continue to pray for, support, and encourage your Sponsee as they complete the FS Foundations journey.

  • FS Step 6 requires your Sponsee to forgive those they resent and/or who hurt them in the past, names typically found on the Mirror Inventory. Your role is to ensure that they don’t miss anyone and that they forgive thoroughly. (Those who’ve hurt them owe them nothing.) Sometimes they also need to forgive those on their Shield and/or Closet Inventories. Encourage them to forgive the most painful ones first. As they forgive, mark their progress by initialing next to each name.
  • FS Step 7 asks your Sponsee to face the pride, sin, selfishness, and character defects in their lives and possibly make a few more Shield Inventory entries. Your role is to bring to your Sponsee’s attention any patterns, recurring themes, or character defects you may have noticed as they “confessed” their story.

  •  FS Steps 8 & 9 asks your Sponsee to make amends to those s/he has hurt from their Shield and Closet Inventories. Your role is to ensure that they make direct amends wherever possible. Please review Freedom Session’s teaching on this topic, so your encouragement will align with what your Sponsee is learning. (See back for viewing instructions.) You may be asked to preview an amends letter before it is sent. If you have any questions, reach out to your Sponsee’s Facilitator or FS Director. As they make amends, mark their progress by initialing next to each name.